Wednesday 31 October 2012

My Reflection

E-learning has been an exciting module. I can not believe that it has been very practical yet we are off campus. JP and Steve have steered the module well, engaging everybody and not keeping silent. In other modules, the lecturers would really go silent. About e-learning, it has been an eye opener to me how technology even as simple as an e-mail or sms from a phone can influence learning and teaching. I think this is the way to go and we should all embrace it. My observation is that this is a good foundation and we should immerse ourselves with e-learning more and more from now on. Secondly, from this module, I will never forget the ADDIE model, such a powerful instructional design tool. It is very systematic and clear and if followed, one can never go wrong. As a person actively involved in designing courses, am now equipped with a powerful model. Indeed, am going to organize a faculty development workshop after the M.Phil to specifically teach faculty how to apply the ADDIE model in teaching and learning. Am even contemplating doing my PhD project around e-learning!
Cheers to all.


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