Thursday, 4 October 2012

My rough e-project

Dear colleagues, I wanted to share what am thinking about doing as my e-learning intervention. As I was trying to read through the Analysis phase of the ADDIE model, I looked around my teaching context. I do  co-coordinate the clinical rotations of our 4th and 5th year medical students and realized that they use logbooks to write down the number of cases participated in every day. I then realized that they miss out a critical learning opportunity from these clinical cases, which is `Reflection`. I wanted students to not only record numbers, but also reflect deeply on what they learn from these cases, and then write down their reflections weekly. Teachers can then use these reflections to engage students in a discussion and provide feedback on their clinical cases. Students can also critique each other`s reflections. So am thinking of creating some kind of platform for clinical students to periodically share with their teachers what they are learning, forming some sort of student-teacher mentor-ship as well. Now, the real TASK is, I want all these student reflections, teacher feedback, peer critique and learning discussion to be electronic, no paper work this time. So I want to create this e-discussion platform to enhance learning. As Mubuuke, this is my idea and I may not complete it by the end of this module, but I want to try!



  1. Mubuuke
    This sounds like an excellent idea, because it is the one thing that often gets neglected when learning is eminent: the reflection on not only what we learn, but also how we think about what and how we learn ...

    I have a similar project in mind, but on a different scale, as I do not have 'real' students. I work with home-based care workers who are not realy encouraged to think about what they do as much as that they simply do their work. I would want them to also be able to reflect on the how and the why ... still need to sit with my ' ADDIE thinking cap' here, though!


  2. I read in an article this morning (again) how important communication through reflection and feedback is for learning. So the idea is sound. It is a bit broad still at the moment, so the challenge is to sharpen it down to a manageable size.

  3. Mubuuke

    I've read your proposed idea again ... utilising something to the likes of our discussion boards perhaps? But it is broad, as JP and yourself mentioned, especially since reflection as a learning tool could become more directOR than directED?

    When you say they "... reflect deeply on what they learn from these cases ...", do you have in mind
    * their perceptions (how they experience things) or
    * their conceptions (what they think - and learn - about how they experience things), or
    * depth of clinical knowledge of the cases ...
    or all of the above?

    Mentioning mentorship would, for me, include all of these, albeit in various proportions. W I D E and D E E P, but could give amazing feedback!

    Just thinking ...
